Why do we say yes to the EU?

Cooperation without borders

Membership of the European Union (EU) opens the door to a unique cooperation without borders, where countries can benefit from economic, security, educational and cultural advantages.

  • EU membership gives the country access to the single market, which is one of the world's largest economic blocs. This means free movement of goods, services, capital and labor across national borders. Through the EU, the country can benefit from increased trade, investment and economic growth. Cooperation without borders in the economy stimulates innovation, creates jobs and strengthens competitiveness.

  • EU membership gives the country the opportunity to cooperate closely with other member states on security and defense. Membership entails participation in the EU's security and defense policy, which promotes common security interests and coordinated measures to deal with threats and challenges. Cooperation within the EU ensures security and stability, while enabling resource sharing and coordinated action in crisis situations.

  • EU-medlemskap gir landet tilgang til felles utdanningssystemer, forskningssamarbeid og studentutvekslingsprogrammer. Dette fremmer kulturell forstÃ¥else, kunnskapsdeling og akademisk samarbeid pÃ¥ tvers av landegrensene. Muligheten til Ã¥ delta i Erasmus+-programmet gir studenter og forskere en unik sjanse til Ã¥ utvide sine horisonter og dra nytte av internasjonale læringsmiljøer.

  • The EU is committed to addressing global challenges such as migration, terrorism and health crises. Membership in the EU gives the country a platform to collaborate with other member states and influence international discussions and solutions. EU membership makes it possible to coordinate resources, expertise and best practices to tackle these challenges in a more effective and coherent way than would be possible alone.

The climate crisis

In today's world, we face a global climate crisis that requires collective action and cooperation across national borders. As a member of the European Union (EU), a country has the opportunity to play an important role in combating climate change and promoting sustainable development.

  • As a member of the EU, a country is obliged to follow common standards and rules for environmental protection. The EU has established ambitious climate targets and adopted strict regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy, protect natural resources and maintain a clean and sustainable environment. Membership in the EU gives the country access to these standards and the opportunity to contribute to the development of new and innovative solutions to the climate crisis.

  • EU membership opens doors to financial support and resources that can be used to address climate change. EU funds that support sustainable projects, green technology development and research, and climate adaptation measures can be invaluable resources for a country that wants to address climate challenges effectively. Through the EU, member states can also benefit from cooperation and exchange of experience with other countries to develop best practices for climate action.

  • The climate crisis is a global challenge that requires international cooperation and joint action. As a member of the EU, countries have the opportunity to be part of a larger community with shared climate commitments. EU membership provides a platform to participate in international climate negotiations and influence global agreements and policies to limit climate change. Through the EU, member states can work with other nations to ensure a common and coordinated response to climate challenges.

  • The EU is committed to promoting sustainable development and the transition to a green economy. Membership in the EU gives a country access to the single market, which is one of the world's largest economies. This can benefit the country's economy by stimulating investment in renewable energy, green technology and environmentally friendly industries. EU membership also provides the opportunity to participate in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, which promotes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across national borders.

  • The EU is known for its commitment to research and innovation, particularly in climate-related areas. As a member of the EU, a country gains access to a wide range of research programs and networks that focus on climate change, energy efficiency and sustainable development. This can help to strengthen the country's capacity to address the climate crisis through knowledge sharing, technology development and collaboration with European partners.


Being a member of the European Union (EU) gives Norway a unique opportunity to participate in a community of solidarity that promotes peace, stability and prosperity.

  • The EU was created with the overall aim of ensuring lasting peace and stability in Europe after the two world wars. As a member of the EU, the country becomes part of a community of solidarity in which member states commit to respecting democratic principles, human rights and the rule of law. Through political cooperation and joint decision-making processes, EU membership helps to maintain peace and stability across national borders.

  • The EU is one of the world's largest economic blocs, and membership gives the country access to the single market. This opens the doors to free trade, economic cooperation and opportunities for economic growth. Solidarity is a core value of the EU, and membership entails a commitment to support economic development and prosperity for all member states. Through economic cooperation and joint investments, EU membership helps to reduce economic disparities between member states and promote a fair distribution of resources.

  • The EU is committed to promoting social justice and inclusion across its member states. Through the principle of solidarity, the EU works to reduce social inequalities, promote equal opportunities and protect workers' rights. Solidarity in the EU is about supporting each other and ensuring that no one is left behind.

  • The EU has proven to be an actor of solidarity when it comes to crisis management and emergency aid. Through EU membership, the country gains access to a range of resources and mechanisms to tackle various crises, whether they are natural disasters, economic challenges or migration flows. EU membership also provides the opportunity to work with other member states to find common solutions and coordinate efforts to help those in need.

Shared values

Membership of the European Union (EU) gives a country the opportunity to be part of a community that shares and promotes common values.

  • The EU is built on the foundation of democracy and the rule of law. As a member of the EU, a country is committed to respecting democratic principles, human rights and the rule of law. EU membership provides the country with a framework for strengthening democracy, promoting the rule of law and ensuring the protection of individual freedoms and rights. Through EU membership, the country becomes part of a community that values and protects these fundamental values.

  • The EU values the principles of freedom and equality. Membership allows the country to benefit from the free movement of goods, services, capital and people within the EU. This promotes economic integration, cultural exchange and opportunities for cross-border cooperation. EU membership also provides protection against discrimination and promotes equal opportunities for all citizens.